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Animal production from lucerne based pastures
Animal liveweight production was greatest from pure lucerne stands, particularly in spring for lactating ewes with twin lambs
Animal production from annual clover/plantain based pastures
Live weight production of sheep grazing dryland pastures
Lucerne winter weed control options
Using subterranean clover
Subterranean clover tolerance to waterlogging
Production and persistence of dryland pastures
Pasture mixes for dryland farming systems
Broadleaf weed control in emerging subterranean clover
Achieve a high sub clover content pasture by establishing a pure sward and then allow it to set seed.
Lucerne establishment (spring) weed control options
Explaining pasture water use
The Hill Country Futures Partnership programme
The benefits of Hill Country Futures
Future-proofing the hill country
Telling the stories of our farmers
Mapping hill country soil temperature and moisture
Native shrubs as alternative forages
Mātauranga Māori knowledge of native shrubs
Forage growth trails and study sites
Modelling Lucerne yields across New Zealand
Animal production from legumes
Tools to support farming resilience