AgYields is a central repository for all pasture and crop yield data and growth rate information collected in New Zealand
- The AgYields national forage database is an open access central repository, for all past, present, and future pasture and crop yield and growth rate data collected in New Zealand.
- It is a publicly accessible resource.
- Its creation has led to the recovery of paper-based datasets that were in danger of being lost forever.
- It is easily accessed, managed and updated.
- It is suitable for farmers, rural professionals, students and scientists.
AgYields supports decision making around pasture planning
AgYields was developed to provide farmers and rural professionals with ready access to localised yield data that can be used to inform decisions around pasture planning.
AgYields allows farmers to see which pastures and crops have been grown in their districts and how much they grew. This knowledge increases the likelihood of more resilient pasture and crop systems being selected.
Accessing data about a range of species will help farmers select appropriate species to address climate change challenges and work within environmental regulations.
Keen to know more?
- Visit the AgYields website
- Learn how to use AgYields from these tutorial videos
- Read more about AgYields here (Fact sheet)
- Podcast (AgYields National Database)
- Peer-reviewed manuscript (Moot et al. 2021: AgYields - a national database for collation of past, present and future pasture and crop yield data)
A big thank you to Derrick Moot and Carmen Teixeira (Lincoln University) for taking the lead on this project for New Zealand’s sheep and beef farming community. Also, special thanks to Dr David Chapman and Dr Wendy Griffiths of DairyNZ and Dr Mike Dodd of AgResearch who also assisted in the development of AgYields. It is among a range of new tools to support farmers and consultants that will be among the outcomes of the Hill Country Futures Partnership.